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Tag Archives: Planned Parenthood

40 Days for Life Victory

This letter was published in yesterday’s 40 Days for life update. So proud of all those participating and standing for women and children.

My friend had left me the use of her apartment as she was away … perfect because it was right where the clinic was!

The next day, I saw you people lining up with signs … I watched from the window every day and all day you were there! Different folks each time.

I had this idea in my head that abortion picketers were extremists … no “normal” person would do that sort of thing. Yet you did not look extreme … more ordinary.

Tuesday was my pre-procedure appointment. Used the wrong entrance and had to walk past you. So what, I thought. Who cares? They don’t know me or where I am going. As I walked past (hurriedly!), my legs felt like they weighed a ton. What was going on? Are these people intimidating me? Do I need to feel ashamed as I walk past? The receptionist told me to “ignore them” when I asked about you.

Every day I watched you. One day I thought for sure no one would be there. Weather forecast was calling for severe winds and rain. There in the afternoon, amid strong winds which were blowing the signs over the head and onto the grass, you stood. Three or four together. All day!

The next day I took a walk and followed you in the direction where everyone seemed to go. It was a church. After everyone left, I went inside and saw all the signs, flyer. Impressive set-up, I thought. They seem organized in their purpose!

On Friday was my scheduled appointment for my procedure. I was suddenly terrified of what was to be. My heart was almost beating out of my chest.

My boyfriend, who had promised to come the day before, did not show up to take me. Said he was tied up and that ultimately it was my choice to have it that day or wait til next week. My choice. But he’s not there to hold my hand! Lots of weighing pros and cons.

Anyhow, I want to let you know that I decided to keep my baby. The boyfriend is still a distance away but maybe he needs time to come around and see the big picture.

The reason I decided to leave you this note is to tell you that what you did was good. I felt I owed it to you for all the days you stood there in hope that others would take notice. I noticed – and in turn it gave me hope that others I know would also care to “stand for me.”

It’s a crazy world we live in … but some seem to know how to see the good in it.


Midland, Texas Planned Parenthood Makes 40th Closing This Year

Below is a photo from Texas Alliance for Life. The closing of the the Midland, TX Planned Parenthood marks the 40th abortion mill closure of the year.

Midland, TX Planned Parenthood

Watch the Celebration Livestream!

I got back into Dallas yesterday, but it is non-stop. I’m headed to the celebration of the closing of the Planned Parenthood in Bryan/College Station, TX!

They announced that you can live stream the celebration if you’d like at

If you’re going to be there please let me know and say hi! Not sure if I’ll have my Pro-Life Texas shirt or my ATTWN shirt.

Celebrating the Closure of the Bryan, TX Planned Parenthood

Last month the Planned Parenthood in Bryan/College Station Texas closed the doors to the death camp! This was a momentous day for the pro-life movement.

In 2004 the group 40 Days for Life was formed to pray outside that abortion mill. Today people take part in over 500 cities and 19 countries.

In 2009 Abby Johnson who managed the facility left and became a staunch pro-life activist. She now runs, And Then There Were None.

This Saturday, Sept. 7, pro-life supporters from around the world are coming to celebrate this historic closing, mourn those that were lost, and pray for the end of abortion in America.

I can’t wait to make the drive down and be with several heroes of the pro-life movement who have diligently prayed and worked for years to see this come to pass. If you’d like to join them as well please see the video for information at the Breakthrough 9/7/13 website.



But then I was like!



24 Planned Parenthoods have closed this year!

Planned Parenthood and Nazi Goodness

Some pro-abortion advocates were attacking me for praising the closure of Planned Parenthood abortion mills because they also offer some other health services.

This has to be one of the most short sighted and idiotic arguments I’ve heard. They SLAUGHTER babies. They could be the kindest, gentlest, and most generous people on earth and I’d still cheer the organizations demise.

As a parallel here are 6 good things Hitler did. Perhaps we should have supported him as well. Copied from this article:

1.) No smoking! Hitler was vehemently anti-smoking. The Nazi’s were also the first to link smoking to the contraction of cancer. Source.

2.) The Hitler Mobile? Hitler wanted every German, whether rich or poor, to have a car. And thus he invented the Volkswagen (“People’s Car”). Source.

3.) Spare some change? Before coming into power in 1933, mass unemployment crippled the German economy. The global depression of that era made it so that a wheelbarrow full of money couldn’t even buy a loaf of bread. When the Nazis stormed on to the scene, they put everyone back to work. Over night, the wheels of the economy were turning once more and money was flowing back into people’s pockets. Source.

4.) It’s his way or the highway! Every time you hop on to the freeway to get somewhere faster than taking all the back roads, thank Hitler. That’s right, Hitler invented the highway system (“Autobahn” in German). Source.

5.) This little light of mine… I’m gunna let it shine! The Olympic torch relay ceremony was Hitler’s idea for the 1936 Berlin Olympic games. We haven’t since gotten rid of the ceremony. Source.

6.) Save the whales! Hitler and many top Nazis were environmentalist types who cared deeply about animals and their rights. The Nazis were among the first to put in place laws protecting animals from abuse.Source.

According to pro-choice logic, obviously Hitler was a great man. Sure he had his flaws, but look at all the good the murdering scumbag did.

So go ahead praise Planned Parenthood. Heil Margaret Sanger! Heil Cecile Richards! Heil Abortion!



Top 10 Pro-Life Texas Photos

2 months ago when the Texas Omnibus bill SB 5 failed I started a group called Pro-Life Texas. I’ve posted a lot of pictures in that time from the Capitol and different memes. Here are the top 10 based on facebook stats:

10: One filibustered to save lives while another fought for the right to end them

Filibuster to end lives Wendy Davis Rand Paul

9: Aren’t we all just a clump of cells?

Abortion Clump of Cells

8: Same age. Same innocence. Where is the outrage?

Same Innocence

7: Pro-Life Superhero

This is me at the Capitol. I think it only made the list because it was shared by my friend Rick Green of Patriot Academy.

Pro-Life Superhero Jason Vaughn

6: If you want to save babies then Ban Planned Parenthood! 

Ban Abortion Now

5: Mommy, What does “F*** A Senator” mean?

Fuck a senator

4: Cutest Thank You Ever!

Cutest Thank you Ever

3: Be Their Voice

Designed by my friend Josiah Jost of Defend Souls.

Be Their Voice

2: Just a bit of Perspective

Abortion Perspective

1: Dedication

As we were filming Let Texas Speak to give a voice to Pro-Life Texans it began to rain. Most people headed for cover, but this precious older lady decided to stand in the rain so she could best hear the testimonies. It was the sweetest moment of the entire week.

A person is a person no matter how small.

Bonus: Here is a video of the dear lady taken later that evening:

If you like these please make sure to follow this blog and “Like” Pro-Life Texas and Pro-Life Minutemen on facebook.

Thanks for all your support the last couple of months. If you appreciate the work and goals please consider giving to help cover costs.

Abortion and Breast Cancer: More studies show that abortion hurts women

Pro-Life advocates have been telling people for years that abortion has been linked to an increase chance of breast cancer. Yet, Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates call us liars. It makes sense on their part. After all, they’re a business and causing breast cancer in your customers is not good for business.

Well even more studies are coming out on the link between abortion and an increased risk for breast cancer.

Here is the article explaining the studies:

Here is a link to one of the studies directly:

The most mind boggling thing about all of this is that the Susan G Komen Foundation continues to give Planned Parenthood millions a year.

abortion and breast cancer

The Church Must Repent!


This is something that keeps coming to my mind the last few weeks. As I wrote earlier that I have been pro-life all of my life, but have never really engaged in the fight to end abortion. That is something I was forced to repent of when SB 5 failed in the Texas Senate and I realized how much of a fight the opposition was putting up. Yet, it is not enough for us to repent as individuals, though it must start there. We must repent join together and repent as a whole of our apathy.

We have thousands of babies slaughtered within walking distance and we rarely think about it. This must change. How do we call the Church to repentance? Not everyone can or should spend the amount of time focused on this as I do, but we all must do something. The Church must awaken.


I’d love to hear from you on this. Is your church awake? How are you working to call your church to repentance?

The Texas Nemesis: Speaker Joe Straus

The last time I had a nemesis was in college. I was a dumb kid trying to start different political groups and not doing a great job and another guy was also somewhat campaigning for those same positions. In reality I’m just a nerd and kinda thought it was cool to have a nemesis. If I was smart I’d have come up with the idea pitched them to him and let him run with it as we would have done more together. I’ve since apologized to him and consider him a friendly acquaintance and I’m really proud of what he has gone on to accomplish. His name is Josh Kimbrell and he has a radio show now called Common Cents. You should check it out.

Today I have a new nemesis, but I doubt he knows my name.  That is good for me as he is quite powerful and I’m just a guy at a computer trying to get information out.

His name is Joe Straus and he is the current Speaker of the House in Texas. Speaker Straus is what many would call a moderate Republican. That isn’t really a surprise since it takes a majority to gain the speakers seat and you must have democratic support, but Speaker Straus goes even farther.

There are really 3 parties in the Texas House: Democrats, moderate Republicans, and Conservative Republicans. Sadly, Conservative Republicans are the smallest number of the three groups though we hope to grow that sector.

Speaker Straus is a master of the political game and he will make every effort to stay in power and only pass what he deems fit. I could go into many issues of his lack of true leadership, but let us focus on the issue of abortion.


  • And when Gov. Perry encouraged Wendy Davis for all she had done because her mother had chosen life it was Speaker Joe Straus that decided to attack him.
  • Speaker Straus did not show support at a single pro-life rally and didn’t even attend the bill signing of HB 2.

Also, while I have no proof I do know that multiple staffers and representatives told me that Joe Straus purposefully delayed the abortion bill. This gave time for Wendy Davis to filibuster. In other words, Wendy Davis is a national star today because of the failed leadership of Speaker Joe Straus.

Even this article on my friend Jonathan Stickland points out that Speaker Straus would rather work with democrats than conservative republicans.

Because of these issues and many other issues it is my primary goal this election cycle to fight against him in the primary and to take aim at his lapdogs in the house. In other words, It’s time to take down the squishy root of the Republican party at it’s base and every “Branch” along with it.

We don’t win and protect life just because we elect people with an R by their name and just vote properly on the bills. We need warriors and leaders that sincerely hold to our beliefs. We must pay attention and vote out those that do not support our beliefs. Get involved in the primaries now and support true conservative candidates. Waiting until November leads just leads us down the road to Hell (aka becoming like California).